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Life is a Gift

It takes far more to build a culture that welcomes and respects every human life than just talking about it or creating laws. To truly create a world where every person is loved, each individual has to do his or her share to spread kindness, mercy and an authentic understanding of being part of the human family. Only then will abortion and other attacks on human life end.

Grades 4-6

Grades 4-6 Lesson Plan

This lesson introduces the students to the concept of conscience and doing the right thing. It is a building block for understanding how to respect and uphold the dignity of others.

Grades 7-9

Grades 7-9 Lesson Plans

This lesson explores the help and support that women need in order to choose life. Students will learn about the different resources available and the fears and pressures that women who are pregnant face.

Grades 10-12

Grades 10-12 Student Handout

This lesson explores the help and support that women need in order to choose life. Students will learn about the different resources available and the fears and pressures that women who are pregnant face.


Abortion is bad for society, bad for women, and ends a human life

3-minute video with a positive message of hope and action.

Dear Pregnant Student

4-minute video Loyola Students for Life outline help for students pregnant on campus.

Amanda Barrera’s Story

3.5-minute video Amanda realized she was pregnant and had a tough choice to make

PRO-LIFE REPLIES: “I’m Personally Pro Life, BUT…

3.5 minute video Lila Rose teaches logical consistency

Conceived in Rape, Writer Extols Her Mother’s Courage

Woman gives thanks to her mother for choosing life

9 ways to make sure you are pro-life

Simple things to do when you are pro-life

Fetal Development

Quick and easy reference guide

Abortion and the UN Human Rights Project

Indifference to prenatal human life exported around the world

The Kansas Supreme Court Has Declared a “Natural Right” to Abortion

Current legislative effort to declare that there is no “fundamental right to abortion”

Paid Maternity Leave

2-minute Buzzfeed video about the need for paid maternity leave in the US.

My Church Kicked Me Out

Abby Johnson’s story forces us to reevaluate our mercy and hospitality

People make difficult decisions in life.

A unique perspective on making the difficult decision to continue a pregnancy.

My Generation Will End Abortion

6-minute video outlining major milestones in the abortion debate over the last 40 years.

Statement on the New York State abortion law of 2019

Evangelicals and Catholics unite to refute the 2019

Pro-life Pregnancy Resources​

Find pro-life pregnancy centers in New York.

Find service opportunities here!
