2024 – 2025
Dear Pastor and Coordinator of the Catechumenate (RCIA),
As you know, the Rite of Calling the Candidates to Continuing Conversion is an optional rite that may be celebrated in the parish with baptized but previously uncatechized adults who wish to complete their Christian initiation through the sacraments of confirmation and Eucharist or who wish to be received into the full communion of the Catholic Church. This Rite is only for RCIA candidates who are ready to complete their Christian initiation during the coming Easter season.
This Rite is celebrated at the beginning of Lent, usually during one of the parish masses of the First Sunday of Lent. The presiding celebrant is the pastor of the parish or his delegate.
In order to assist in your preparations for this Rite, we have attached several links that should be helpful to you, namely:
- Archdiocesan Directives for the parish celebration of the Rite of Calling the Candidates
- Rite of Calling the Candidates (English)
- Rite of Calling the Candidates (Spanish)
Please know that if you have any question or concern, you may contact the Office of Adult Faith Formation at 646-794-2574 or [email protected].
Mr. Oscar Cruz
Director, Catechumenate