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Solidarity invites us to see immigrants through the lens of our common dignity as members of the human community. We are challenged to overcome the often volatile rhetoric of political parties and media frenzies to look at what our faith tells us about the situation. When we come to understand what motivates people to leave behind their homelands and their heritage to come to the United States, we learn that they are looking for the same things we are: peace, security, opportunity, education, and stability.

Grades PK-3

PK, TK and Kindergarten Lesson Plan

Students will be introduced to the concept of a Christian community based on Gospel principles. Through activities, they will come to understand that getting to know someone helps to learn to love them.

Grades PK-K – Immigration Lesson Plan – Oct

Grades PK-K – Immigration Lesson Plan – Jan

Grades 1-3 Lesson Plan

Students will be introduced to the concept of a Christian community based on Gospel principles. Through activities, they will come to understand that getting to know someone helps to learn to love them.

Grades 1-3 – Immigration Lesson Plan – Oct

Grades 1-3 – Immigration Lesson Plan – Jan


Grades 4-6

Grades 4-6 Lesson Plan

Students will be introduced to the concept of a Christian community based on Gospel principles. They will be introduced to stories of welcoming others and kindness to strangers as a direct outcome of lived faith.

Grades 4-6 – Immigration Lesson Plan – Oct

Grades 4-6 – Immigration Lesson Plan – Jan


Grades 7-9

Grades 7-9 Lesson Plan

Students will learn what true mercy looks like. Pope Francis calls us to a culture of encounter, to recognize the dignity in the person in front of us. This encounter leads us to action on their behalf by serving others through works of mercy. Christ has called us to go and make disciples of all nations and in a special way to give food to the hungry, drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, visit the sick and imprisoned, and bury the dead. In so doing, our hearts change and we learn to be merciful as the Heavenly Father is merciful.

Grades 7-9 – Immigration Lesson Plan – Oct

Grades 7-9 – Immigration Lesson Plan – Jan


Grades 10-12

Grades 10-12 Student Handout

Students will learn that humans are meant for community, which means loving other people and treating them with respect both in theory and in reality. What does this look like in our culture? We explore the topic of immigration through the lens of building a Christian community.

Grades 10-12 Handout – Immigration

Questions for Discussion

• What is at the root of most social problems?

• What is it about the way humans are made that make us better together?

• How would you describe solidarity? Can you give an example of a time that you practiced solidarity with someone in need?

• Why is our immigration system in the United States broken?

• What are some of the most important issues of the immigration debate?

• Choose one issue, one point of debate, and apply both justice and mercy principles. Which is most compelling? Do the rights of the state outweigh the needs of the individual/family? Or vice versa?

• Good people can disagree on how to fix immigration in the U.S.. But, what is our moral obligation toward all people, whether we know them or they are strangers?


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