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Respecting Others

Every person possesses inherent dignity. This means that persons can never be treated as objects to be used but must be respected as bearing the image of God. In this lesson, students will unpack what it means to respect others. 

Grades PK-3

PK, TK & Kinder Lesson Plan

This lesson introduces children to the concept of friendship, particularly focusing on how to be a good friend by treating others with respect and love.

Grades PK, TK and Kindergarten Lesson Plan Part I – October

Grades PK, TK and Kindergarten Lesson Plan Part II – January 


Grades 1-3 Lesson Plan

Students will learn the difference between treating others with respect and using others as a means to an end. Activities will reinforce the qualities of a good friend, and the responsibilities we have for one another.

Grades 1-3 Lesson Plan Part I – October 

Grades 1-3 Lesson Plan Part II – January 



The More We Get Together

This is the Way We Make Friends

Video on Charity

Winnie the Pooh’s Friendship Song

Sesame Street’s How to be a Good Friend

Following Jesus Coloring Page

Friendship Coloring Page






Grades 4-6

Grades 4-6 Lesson Plan

Students will learn the difference between treating others with respect and using them as a means for an end. Activities will reinforce the qualities of a good friend, and what each of our responsibility is toward others. Topics will include gossiping, bullying, and internet safety.

Grades 4-6 Lesson Plan Part I – October 

Grades 4-6 Lesson Plan Part II – January 



“Video on Gossip”

Net Smartz

Online Privacy for Kids

Questions to Ask to Prevent Gossip

Project iGuardian​


Grades 7-9

Grades 7-9 Lesson Plan

Students will learn about the growing problem of human trafficking, both domestic and international. They will learn what trafficking victims experience, how to recognize the victimization of a modern-day slave, and how to keep themselves safe from predators.

Grades 7-9 Lesson Plans Part II – January 

Grades 7-9 Lesson Plans Part I – October 



Amy’s Story

St. Josephine Bakhita 

Human Trafficking: It Happens Here

Human Trafficking Basics

National Human Trafficking Hotline

Call 1-888-373-7888 or Text* 233733 to report potential human trafficking or ask for help or advice.

Resources for Teachers and Parents

Project iGuardian offers practical solutions for teens, parents, and educators for keeping kids safe from online sexual predators. Online resources as well as information on booking school presentations and a local tipline. Created by Department of Homeland Security.

Net Smartz is a website with teaching materials for all grade levels on internet safety and keeping kids safe from traffickers. Includes handouts, exercise suggestions and online resources. From the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

Covenant Eyes internet accountability and tracking software for purchase that can help
keep kids safe from pornography online.


Grades 10-12

Grades 10-12 Student Handout

We like to think of our world as free of slaves. We have come so far since the time of the slave trade, since the time of the Emancipation Proclamation. So, how could we possibly have slaves in the twenty-first century?

Grades 10-12 Handout

*Used with Permission from the Archdiocese of Los Angeles*




  • “Turn on the Light”  Inspirational video about making the truths of human trafficking known.  Catholic Relief Services.  1.5 minutes.  
  • “Hidden America” ABC’s Diane Sawyer reports on the truth of sex trafficking in America. 12 minutes.
  • Rescue and Restore​, a project of the Department of Health and Human Services, outlines the problem of human trafficking, how to identify victims of trafficking, and what to do to seek help. 13 minutes.  
  • How Many Are Enough?  From a woman who helps rescue international victims of trafficking.  Powerful and motivational.  It is an excellent conversation starter on what the faith community can do to stop trafficking and help victims heal. 7 minutes.  
  • End It Movement’s​ creative way to bring awareness to human trafficking at America’s largest sporting events.  3 minute video.




     St. Josephine Bakhita, Patroness of Human Trafficking Victims



  • The Vatican has an anti- human trafficking website with resources.  
  • The USCCB has an anti-human trafficking website with resources.  
  • The Archdiocese offers flyers and resources students can share at their church or school about human trafficking

     Resources for survivors of trafficking 

     Awareness and Information

  • Unicef resources​ Info sheets and curriculums.  
  • ​Destiny Rescue Anti-human trafficking resources and information.  
  • A21 Campaign Website features ways to get involved, resources, and information.  
  • Slavery Footprint Take the Made in a Free World survey to find out how many slaves worldwide have been involved in the manufacture or processing of what you eat, wear, live in, and play with every day. Eye-opening website.​
  • Website instructing teens on internet safety.  Information presented through comics, blogs, and games. Created by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.  

Scripture and Church Teaching

Pope Benedict’s Encyclical Letter on the Hope of Salvation See especially sections 3 and 4 for an explanation of the life of St. Josephine Bakhita in light of the hope of salvation. 

Prayer Opportunities

Prayer card with St. Josephine Bakhita, patron saint of slaves and trafficking victims.

Catholic Relief Services Prayer to End Human Trafficking Brief prayer handout for victims of trafficking.

CRS Prayer to Set All Captives Free Brief prayer handout for victims of all types of slavery.  

CRS Prayer I Must Turn Back Prayer for solidarity with victims of slavery.  

CRS Solidarity Prayer Vigil for Those Who Experience Human Trafficking An outline for a prayer service for an end to human trafficking that also includes education and legislative advocacy.   

Stations of the Cross Detailed guidelines from the USCCB to organize a human-trafficking themed Stations of the Cross.  

For Parents and Teachers

FOR TEACHERS: Website with teaching materials for all grade levels on internet safety and keeping kids safe from traffickers.  Includes handouts, exercise suggestions and online resources.  From the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.  

FOR TEACHERS: The A21 campaign has developed a high school curriculum that can be useful for classes looking to take a deeper look at the issue of human trafficking.  

FOR TEACHERS AND PARENTS:  Project iGuardian ​offers practical solutions for teens, parents, and educators for keeping kids safe from online sexual predators.  Online resources as well as information on booking school presentations and a local tipline.  Created by Department of Homeland Security.  

FOR PARENTS:  Covenant Eyes​ internet accountability and tracking software for purchase that can help keep kids safe from pornography online.​

Find service opportunities here!
