Safe Environment Forms
The following forms are offered for you to download, to assist you in administering the Safe Environment program in your parish, school, religious education program, or agency.
The full Safe Environment Policies provide a comprehensive set of rules by which Archdiocesan institutions maintain child safety.
These answers to the most “Frequently Asked Questions” can provide you with a simple and easy reference to some of the most common issues that arise in this program.
The Sexual Misconduct Policy and the Code of Conduct are the backbone of our efforts to ensure a safe environment for children. They clarify the proper boundaries and behaviors for our programs. The Summary of the Policy and the Code of Conduct should be given to all our personnel.
Sexual Misconduct Policy Summary
Sexual Misconduct Policy Summary (Spanish)
It is vitally important that we respond appropriately to all reports of sexual misconduct. These instructions will provide you with the necessary guidance in doing so.
Reporting Procedures (Spanish)
We also have a flyer with our reporting policies that can be posted in your parish or school.
The Background Check Authorization Form must be completed by all volunteers and employees before they start working with minors. It authorizes our Office to conduct a background check to verify an applicant’s identity and to determine if they have a criminal record. Please be assured that we never request any financial information about any applicant. Please note that we have updated this form — this is the only version that should be used.
Background Check Authorization Form
Background Check Authorization Form — Spanish
These documents outline our Office policies on the background checks, and summarize your legal rights under the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act. They should be given to everyone who fills out a background check authorization form.
Background Check Information Sheet
Background Check Information Sheet (Spanish)
These documents should be used as part of your personnel screening process. They serve both as an application for service and an acknowledgement that the applicant has received the Code of Conduct and the Sexual Misconduct Policy Summary.
Safe Environment Questionnaire
Safe Environment Questionnaire (Spanish)
Addendum To Catechist and Employment Application (this form may be used by catechists who have already filled out their Catechist Application, and employees who have filled out an employment application, in order to certify that they have received the Code of Conduct and Sexual Misconduct Policy)
You can use these checklists to help you keep track of the various Safe Environment requirements for new staff members.
These forms will be useful in arranging for and conducting Safe Environment training programs.
VIRTUS Registration Instructions
Safer Spaces Training Video Sign-In Sheet
Safer Spaces Booklet (to be given to those attending a session)
These Fact Sheets contain information for parents, and are intended to accompany the Safe Environment lessons received by the children in our schools and religious education programs.
If parents choose not to have their child participate in the safe environment training that is mandated for all our schools and religious education programs, they should be provided with the Parent Fact Sheet, and they must be asked to sign a form acknowledging that information about preventing child sexual abuse was made available to them.
Opt-Out Form (Religious Education)
This form should be used by schools to make their annual report regarding the children who are given safe environment lessons.
This form should be used by Directors/Coordinators of Religious Education to make their annual report regarding the children who are given safe environment lessons.
An overview of parish administration of the program.
Instructions on how to update your roster through our online portal.
An individual file must be maintained for all staff members who are required to comply with the Safe Environment requirements. The following are samples of the documents that must be kept in the personnel file.
Personnel File Sample for Employees
Personnel File Sample for Religious Education Volunteers
We are conducting visitations of our parishes and schools, to assist them in compliance efforts. We have prepared an instrument that will be used during these visitations.