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Online “Safer Spaces” Training

Volunteers and some employees can now fulfill their Safe Environment training requirement by viewing the Safer Spaces video online.

To take the online training class, you will first have to register. This process should take a total of about 45 minutes.  To register, download these instructions

The registration page, and the start page for taking the class, can be found at

Important Notes about the Online Class: 

  • Please do not take the Safer Spaces online training class unless you have already submitted a background check form to the institution or program with which you will be working. 
  • Clergy, school administrators and teachers, and directors of religious education must still take VIRTUS “Protecting God’s Children” classes.  To register, please click here.

Important Notes on Registering:

  • When filling in your name, please use your actual legal name (the same name you put on the background check form), not nicknames or short names, such as “Jon” for “Jonathan.”  This is necessary so that we can match your training record with your background check.
  • Please use the same email address that you put on your background check form.
  • Please be careful about what Program you choose.  If you are working or volunteering in a parish school or a high school, please select the kind of school it is (e.g., “Elementary School”).  If you are working with religious education classes (CCD), please choose “Religious Education”.  If you are working with a sports program, please choose “CYO Sports”.
  • Please be careful about what Position you choose.  For example, please do not select “Teacher’s Aide” unless you are an employee at a school.  If you are a volunteer teaching or helping to teach religious education classes (CCD), please choose “Catechist” or “Catechist Aide”, not “Teacher” or “Teacher’s Aide”.
  • When you successfully complete the course, the Safe Environment Office will update your records in our database.  Your school or program will receive proof of your completion of the course when they receive their next roster of personnel. 

For Technical Problems

If you have technical problems with the online training class, follow this link to search our “Student FAQ’s” page, or the “Help” tab on the course website’s toolbar.  If you are having a specific technical issue, peaseclick this link to fill out a form that will be directed to the programming staff.  If that does not answer your questions, please contact the website host’s technical support team at 845-575-3993. 

Please do not call the Safe Environment Office, since we cannot provide technical assistance. 
