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Respect Life Month

Speak to your pastor to ensure there are Pro-Life intercessions at all Masses, see suggestions. 

Ask your pastor to offer Pro-Life education from the pulpit, (offer to assist in finding a speaker for the Masses if he’d prefer).  

Invite the youth groups to decorate your parish with pro-life banners, photos, etc. Invite parishioners to post their baby photos on a wall – guess who is who. 

Host a Pumpkin Bake Off, Chili-Challenge, or Fall-Food Fair fundraiser for a local pregnancy care center

Increase parishioners’ awareness for helping women in difficult pregnancies: emotionally, spiritually, materially, medically. Check out a helpful article on supporting women in crisis pregnancy. Ensure your parish has an Archdiocese of New York Poster Resource. 

Host a parish mission highlighting spiritual foundations of pro-life efforts (e.g., reverence, mercy, forgiveness)

Does your Life-Chain need renewal? Consider incorporating it into 40 Days for Life. Brainstorm with your parishioners on how to revamp the life-chain and draw more youth. 

Invite the Rosary Society to pray for life issues this month. Pray the Rosary with brief meditations on life before Mass. 

Host a Flocknote drive to increase awareness of life issues by inviting parishioners to join the Respect Life Office Flocknote.    

Begin your preparations and planning for the March for Life. Be in touch with the Respect Life Office for guidance.
