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Artificial Reproductive Technology

Begin a  4-week Humanae Vitae study in your parish. Meet to read and discuss this prophetic Church document after Mass or in the evenings each week.

For Women: ENDOW has a great study on Humanae Vitae. A women’s study can also be a support for women who regret contracepting. Allow for a safe place to share.  

Circulate materials from Gianna Center and FEMM at parishes and in the bulletin. Check out our webpage on Catholic women’s healthcare. Include information that helps people understand the Church’s teaching and truth about IVF. 

Movie under the stars! Show a great pro-life film (see suggestions) with pizza, popcorn & soda

Host a seminar for young adults and married couples on the truth of contraception. Invite a couple practicing NFP to share testimony. Invite Dr. Nolte of the Gianna Center to speak. (Offer free child care).
