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End of Life

Host a Seminar for your parish on Advance Directives and End of Life care. Display brochures on end of life care and Catholic teaching in the church. Get resources here

Organize a group visit to a local nursing home – share music, a play, other talents, or visit with residents; great to get the youth involved. For end of life care facilities near you, click here; or related service opportunities, click here

 Share important information on Physician-Assisted Suicide to all parishioners through the bulletin or after Mass. Include testimonies or stories of those who have accompanied a dying parent or relative, like this one here

Resurrection Run. Host a 5K walk/run in your area, proceeds go to support elderly parishioners whose needs are barely being covered by their fixed income, or for religious/church organizations that care for the elderly, see Archdiocese of New York organizations here.

Host a card-making event after Mass for families. Invite children to create cards for elderly in the local senior buildings or nursing homes. Teach children the importance of good friendships. Provide cookies & snacks.
