In 2008, a generous benefactor to the Archdiocese of New York launched The Catholic Alumni Partnership to help Catholic elementary schools reach out and reconnect with their alumni. CAP has initially been made available to only 7 archdioceses and dioceses in New York and Connecticut. 

Why focus on Catholic elementary schools?
We recognize that Catholic elementary schools are a treasure but our alumni have never been offered the opportunity to be involved in the success of their school post graduation. Today, this unprecedented effort is aimed at helping Catholic elementary schools reconnect with their alumni.
CAP, which is starting its rollout in New York with 50 self-selecting elementary schools, is a program that will stabilize and enhance the Catholic elementary schools well into the future. It offers alumni an opportunity to participate in or support the schools that gave them their start in life. CAP also sets the stage for programmatic assistance from alumni with current students and parents. It helps school administration leverage their output on behalf of today’s students by re-engaging with successful alumni. It will eventually help current students strengthen their affiliation with their Catholic elementary schools as they grow up and succeed in their lives, setting the stage for giving back to their schools. CAP will help create a culture of participation in the schools over the long term, both programmatically and financially.
Today, through CAP, thousands of Catholic elementary school alumni have already joined together to support and invest in one of the leading primary education tools available — the Catholic elementary school system.
Visit our website today to see if your elementary school is participating. Together we can create a new future for the schools that helped us realize our own.

Visit their website:


Catholic Alumni Partnership
1011 First Avenue 18th Floor
New York, NY 10022