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Online Courses and Ministry Training

Office of Liturgy Online Courses include:

Click image above or here to learn more and enroll.

Training Videos

Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion with Fr. Kevin O’Reilly, S.T.D. and Fr. Matthew Ernest, S.T.D.

Lector with Fr. WIlliam Cleary, S.T.D. and Fr. Peter Cameron, O.P.

Ministro Extraordinario de la Sagrada Comunion with Fr. Kevin O’Reilly, S.T.D.

Lector (Spanish) with Fr. Joseph Franco and Fr. Enrique Salvo

Planning Catholic Funeral Liturgies with Fr. Matthew Ernest, S.T.D.

Planning Catholic Funeral Liturgies
Adding Antiphons and Proper Chants to Your Parish Sunday Mass
Selecting Music for Funerals
Selecting Music for First Holy Communion Masses
Selecting Music for Confirmation Liturgies