Welcome to the Health Benefits Webpage
The benefits team has prepared the information contained within this webpage to be of assistance to you in gaining a better understanding of your health benefit plan.
Starting January 1, 2025, all employees working in the private sector are covered by the New York State Paid Prenatal Leave Law (NYS Labor Law Section 196-b). All full time and part time private sector employees, including employees who are overtime exempt, are entitled to 20 hours of Paid Prenatal Leave per year. Federal, state, or local government employees are not covered by New York State’s Paid Prenatal Leave Law. However, employees of non-profit organizations are covered by this law.
Contact Us
Thank you for visiting our webpage. The benefits team is here to make your health care experience as positive as possible. We will be adding informational notices and other tools to aid you in your health care. Please feel free to view this site often for updates.