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Adolescent Formation/Youth Ministry

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To be bold and creative on how we reach, evangelize, and form young people in the faith in the diverse realities of our parish communities.


“Confirmation reminds us that this Sacrament brings an increase and deepening of baptismal grace: it unites us more firmly to Christ, it renders our bond with the Church more perfect, and it gives us a special strength of the Holy Spirit to spread and defend the faith, … to confess the name of Christ boldly, and never to be ashamed of his Cross (cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 1303).

Middle School Youth (6-8)

Catholic Middle School Youth Ministry is the framework for the evangelization, formation, and accompaniment of young adolescents in the Catholic faith during their middle school years, typically ranging from grades 6 to 8 (ages 11 to 14).

Our Services
Tool Box
Ministry Formation
High School Ministry (9-12)

Youth ministry is the parish community’s response to its young people’s needs. It involves an intentional effort to invite youth to be part of something greater, to step into the discipleship journey as part of a community where young people can grow in faith, in their sense of identity, and be empowered to live and share the Gospel message.

Our Services
Tool Box
Ministry Formation
New York Catholic Youth Days


Ms. Christina Davis
Contact by Email
