I am interested in:
What is the normative age for receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Archdiocese of New York?
Children who have been baptized should receive this sacrament, in the 7th – 9th grade. (Archdiocesan Handbook for Parish Directors and Coordinators of Religious Education, Sac-13)
Where should candidates who are in Catholic Schools prepare for and celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation?
The immediate preparation for, and the first reception of, the Sacraments of Penance, Holy Eucharist, and, where possible, Confirmation, occur in the home parish. (Archdiocesan Handbook for Parish Directors and Coordinators of Religious Education, Sac-4)
Parish Confirmation programs that are life-giving and nurture discipleship are the best possible choices for preparation. Regardless of the preparation program the child and family enroll in, the sacramental preparation team and/or the Catholic School Community should engage the child and family in the life of a parish community.
How long should a candidate prepare for the sacrament of Confirmation?
According to the New York Archdiocesan norm, the child must have completed the Archdiocesan Curriculum Guidelines for 7th and 8th grades. (Archdiocesan Handbook for Parish Directors and Coordinators of Religious Education, Sac-4)
This preparation must include suitable instruction, the child giving sufficient evidence of readiness, and a proper disposition. This is demonstrated by participating actively in the liturgical and sacramental life, completing the preparation, demonstrating an understanding of the Catholic faith and an understanding of the way of life-based on the values and morality of the Catholic Church, and understanding that faith development is an ongoing process and is furthered by participation in the life of the parish through comprehensive youth ministry and ongoing adult faith formation. (c.f. Archdiocesan Handbook for Parish Directors and Coordinators of Religious Education, Sac-13)