When I was a boy the Franciscan Sisters read the story of Chicken Little who went about his village telling his neighbors “the sky is falling”. Possibly we could take a look back at history and see groups and individuals who did the same. This is not to say that humanity has seen many dreadful times. But we are still here.
Some critics of Christianity today are attempting to write not only the obituary of the Catholic Church but of all men and women of faith. From the time of the fulfillment of the promise of the Lord to send the Advocate to guide us on a journey to eternity, the Holy Spirit has strengthened a sometimes hesitant community for its sacred mission. Internally and externally the Church has been challenged. Questions of the meaning of life, the purpose of existence, and the fidelity to truth have been spoken of and fought over. (Just read the Acts of the Apostles.) But the People of God have also been threatened by violence, natural disasters, and humanity turning in upon itself.
For centuries Popes have opened the windows of the Vatican twice a week and have looked out at the multitudes waiting for words of wisdom which would comfort and guide. But these men have looked beyond Saint Peter’s Square and seen the desperation of so many: they lack food, of the body and the spirit, they lack peace: exiled from what has been their home for perhaps hundreds of years, they witness their children dying in their arms, and the very existence of any life is dissipated by heat, cold, and floods where none had been before. In our times we have been blessed by Holy Fathers who recognized their responsibility but also ours to be stewards of God’s gifts. Pope John XXIII told us that the Church renewed by the Ecumenical Council he called in 1959.
But he recognized that it would not be accomplished in his time. But that was no excuse to not begin under the Holy Spirit defining for ourselves and the world around us personal and social responsibility . His successors, each in their own ways, built upon his example. Presently, Pope Francis called upon the Church’s tradition of utilizing Synods and told us that such a process should be the way that all peoples could be in communion, participation, and mission. Though many believers have responded , all of us need to journey as our ancestors did. Pope Francis is making the same call to us as did the angels on the first Ascension Day: Go to Jerusalem, Receive the Spirit, Your Mission awaits.
As Saint John Paul II told us, echoing the Scriptures: we not afraid.
Read the Dispatches from the Journey of the Synod. Act upon them.
– Father Brian McWeeney
We are deeply grateful to those who led and supported the synodal process, during the initial phase and this latest interim phase. We would like to recognize the team members who hosted and facilitated listening sessions, as well as those who synthesized feedback for their local reports. We are especially indebted to everyone who attended the listening sessions. It is only because of their willing spirits and open hearts that we were able to realize so much through these sessions. Thank you again for your assistance, accompaniment, and listening.
The synthesis document for the interim phase is now available in English and Spanish:
The USCCB National synthesis document for the interim phase is also now available in English and Spanish:
A Synodal Church is a Listening Church.
Synod means “together on the way.”
In the fall of 2021, Pope Frances opened a three-phase synod process in consultation with faithful around the world. The first Synod Assembly took place in October 2023.
We are now concluding the interim phase, during which we had the second consultation with the faithful of the Archdiocese of New York.
All are invited to participate in the second consultation, this time on the theme of the call of the baptized to participate fully in the mission of the Church – our coresponsibility for carrying out the mission of Christ.
As Pope Francis has emphasized, the protagonist of the Synod is the Holy Spirit. This process is about taking time to listen to one another and to the Holy Spirit.
Results from this phase will be discussed during the second Synod Assembly in October 2024.
Where have I seen or experienced successes within the Church’s structure(s) / organization / leadership / life that encourage the mission? How can we expand on that?
How can the structures and organization of the Church help all the baptized to respond to the call to proclaim the Gospel and to live as a community of love and mercy in Christ?
We invite you contribute to the synodal discussion below, all comments and questions will be reviewed.
“The Church is born of the evangelizing activity of Jesus and the Twelve. […] For the Christian community is never closed in upon itself. The intimate life of this community – the life of listening to the Word and the apostles’ teaching, charity lived in a fraternal way, the sharing of bread this intimate life only acquires its full meaning when it becomes a witness, when it evokes admiration and conversion, and when it becomes the preaching and proclamation of the Good News. Thus it is the whole Church that receives the mission to evangelize, and the work of each individual member is important for the whole.”
Pope Paul VI
Evangelii Nuntiandi
The Archdiocese of New York participated in the first phase of the Synod during the years of 2021 – 2023. The first Synod Assembly took place in October 2023. You can learn more about what that looked like and the final result of that phase in our Archdiocese, State, North America, and the world, by clicking here.
“Let us truly draw nourishment from listening, from meditating on the word of God. Our communities must not lack the knowledge that they are “Church”, because Christ, the eternal Word of the Father, convokes them and makes them His People.”
Pope Benedict XVI
Opening of the Pastoral Convention of the Diocese of Rome on the theme: “Church Membership and Pastoral Co-responsibility”