FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – January 22, 2011
The Archdiocese of New York announced today the establishment of a Pro-Life Commission that will assist Archbishop Timothy Dolan and the Archdiocese in promoting a respect for the sanctity of all human life.
Archbishop Dolan announced the formation of the commission in a letter to the priests of the Archdiocese. Today marks the 38th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision in Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion on demand in the United States.
In his letter to the priests, the Archbishop said, “These professional men and women, from a variety of backgrounds, fields, and areas of expertise have generously offered their time and talent to engage in research, writing, coordination of events, and so much more on behalf of life. For this I am most grateful, and look forward to working with them over the years that lie ahead.”
Click here to read Archbishop Dolan’s letter
Click here to view a list of the Pro-Life Commission members