There are two ways or two tracks for initiation into the Catholic Faith:
1. As an infant / child (Ages newborn – 6 years old)
2. As a child of catechetical age (Ages 7 – 13) and as an adult (Ages 14 +)
Please note that there are three sacraments of Christian initiation that makes someone a fully initiated Catholic. These three sacraments are: Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist (First Holy Communion).
1. For infants / children (Newborn to 6 years old) who are not baptized – Parents would request baptism from their local Catholic parish. Usually, the parish will interview the parents and offer the parents (and maybe Godparents) a few baptism preparation sessions prior to the celebration of the child’s baptism. When the child has reached the age of 7 or 8, the child may receive their first Holy Communion after taking at least two years of sacramental preparation classes. Finally, when the child has reached, at minimum, the age of 11, the child may receive the sacrament of Confirmation from a bishop after taking at least two years of sacramental preparation classes.
2. For children of catechetical age (Ages 7 – 13) and adults (Ages 14 +) who are not baptized – they would usually participate in their local parish Catechumenate process and receive the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults which culminates with the celebration of the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist (First Holy Communion), in this order, at the same Mass celebration, usually the Easter Vigil Mass. The Catechumenate process is gradual and takes place within a Catholic faith community know as a parish. Those participating in the Catechumenate – known as catechumens – must undergo a “conversion in mind and in action” and are to develop “a sufficient acquaintance with Christian teaching as well as a spirit of faith and charity”. The Catechumenate process usually takes one to several years. There are several stages and various major and minor Rites that are celebrated during the Catechumenate process to assist in the spiritual formation of the catechumens. Catechumens are assigned a parish Sponsor as a guide and mentor.
If you have additional questions on the Catechumenate (RCIA), please contact your local Catholic parish. Find a parish near you here.
How does a Teenager and adult prepare for the sacrament of Confirmation?
Teenagers (Ages 13 – 17) and Adults (Ages 18 +) who have already received their First Holy Communion and who are seeking preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation, are usually enrolled in a Confirmation program which ends with the celebration of the sacrament of Confirmation with a bishop. The preparation may last several months to several years. The preparation may entail weekly classes, a retreat and some apostolic service. Teenagers (Ages 14 – 17) should contact their local Catholic parish for this preparation. Adults (Ages 18 +) should do the same.
The best place to learn about becoming a diocesan priest is from our Vocations office. Its pages on this site will take you through the steps, from discernment (determining if God is calling you to the priesthood) through seminary application and acceptance to ordination. You can also contact 914-968-1340 or
The process of becoming a religious order priest (e.g., Paulist, Dominican, Jesuit) is different from that of becoming a diocesan priest. Applications are made to the religious order. We have provided a few links here, but generally you can find out more about any order’s process by searching online for the name of the order that interests you.
Becoming a deacon is another wonderful way of serving a faith community. Deacons can perform some, but not all, the functions of a priest, participating in the management of a parish, giving homilies and blessings, baptizing, marrying couples (if delegated to by a priest) and providing pastoral care and counsel. Men who are married may become deacons, but if an unmarried man becomes a deacon, he may not later marry. For more on becoming a deacon, visit the diaconate pages of this site.
Becoming a sister (aka a nun) is similar to becoming a religious order priest in the sense that the process depends on the order (e.g., Sisters of Life, Dominicans, Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur). We have provided a few links here, but generally you can find out more about any order by searching online for the name of the one that interests you.
Curious about religious orders? Check out the Vision Vocation Network. Orders have different focuses based on the particular gifts or charisms of their founders – e.g., preaching, evangelizing. The site provides a matching tool, accessible here, that can help guide you to the orders that might be right for you.
If there is an emergency, and you believe that a child is in imminent risk, please call 911, and then contact the New York State Hotline (1-800-342-3720). The policy of the Archdiocese is to report to law enforcement every allegation that presents reasonable suspicion of child abuse (sexual or otherwise) or neglect.
Our online complaint form may be used to present an allegation that a cleric (bishop, priest, deacon) has committed an act of sexual abuse of a minor. Learn more here.
Each parish keeps its own records of baptisms, first communions, confirmations, marriages, and funerals as long as it is open – so to obtain a record, you generally need to contact the parish at which the sacrament was conferred. You can find all of our parishes in our Parish Finder.
If you are unsure of the parish where the sacrament was performed, please complete this form here and the Archives will help you locate the parish.
You can also write to the Vicar General’s Office at the archdiocese to request a list of possible parishes in a certain area. Please send a self-addressed stamped envelope with your information and request to:
Vicar General’s Office
1011 First Avenue
New York, NY 10022
Please note that the archdiocese does not have a centralized, searchable database of all sacraments. For assistance in locating records relating to genealogical research, you may review the Genealogy Research Policy and submit your search request through the Archives here. Requests are filled in the order they are received, and can take several weeks to process.
Please note that the archdiocese does not have a centralized, searchable database of all sacraments. For assistance in locating records relating to genealogical research, you may review the Genealogy Research Policy and submit your search request through the Archives here. Requests are filled in the order they are received, and can take several weeks to process.
Generally, schools maintain their own records as long as they are in operation. To obtain a transcript or other information, contact the school directly. (To find a school, search here.)
The Archives only has records for some of the closed schools in the Archdiocese of New York. Click here for the list of elementary schools and here for the list of high schools, as well as instructions on requesting your transcript.
If you are a former teacher looking for information related to your employment, please contact the Superintendent of Schools Office.
Note: If your school was located in Brooklyn or Queens, then the records are managed by the Archives of the Diocese of Brooklyn.
Some parishes offer classes for adults interested in expanding their knowledge of the faith. Many also have bible study groups. For this information, inquire with your parish or find a parish here.
Parishes are the center of religious education for children through confirmation age. To locate a parish and inquire about their religious education programs, use our parish finder.
For youth 13+
Some parishes offer religious education classes for teens who have already received the sacrament of confirmation. Inquire with your parish or, to locate a parish, use our parish finder. Many parishes have youth ministry programs targeted to this age group. Inquire with your pastor.
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Visit our website to learn more, or follow us on social on X, Facebook, or Instagram.
Please visit to learn more about the Cardinal’s Annual Stewardship Appeal. If you have any questions, you can submit them using the form here, or by reaching out to the Cardinal’s Appeal office at 646-794-3300 or by email at
Officially known as a Declaration of Nullity of a Marriage, an annulment declares that a marriage presumed to be valid according to Church law actually fell short of at least one of the elements required for a binding union.
For more information, please see the Tribunal Office.