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Youth Faith Formation

Youth Faith Formation supports the religious education programs (Pre-K through Grade 12) throughout the archdiocese, is responsible for implementing USCCB and/or archdiocesan guidelines for religious education and sacramental preparation, ensures that resources are used to meet the Conformity Guidelines of the USCCB, and leads and supports the parishes of the archdiocese by region. Check back for updates as they become available!

Catechist Formation

Ministry Formation provides the basic theological understanding, spiritual formation, and methodology necessary for those who are appointed by their pastors and commissioned by their parishes to hand on the faith to youth and children. Training of the catechist and youth ministers are necessary to ensure that the faith is handed on in its integrity and in a manner that responds to the needs, cultures, and other special characteristics of those in their care. 

The Ministry Formation Program has two levels: 

  • Level One  provides you with opportunities for growth as a person of faith; effective teaching/facilitating skills; and a plan for your ongoing training and developing a spiritual life.  
  • Level Two  is divided into two tracks:
    • Catechists – deepens the training by focusing on essential areas of theological training, such as scripture, the Creed, and morality for catechists.  
    • Youth Minister Team Member – To Be Announced
Educational Requirements for Directors and Coordinators

The Director of Religious Education has a Master’s Degree in religious studies, religious education, theology or a related field from an Institution recognized by the Archdiocese of New York. 

The Coordinator of Religious Education has a bachelors’ degree in any field and must be certified through the Catechist Formation Program, Levels I and II.


Parent Handbook: Directors/Coordinators should use this template as the basis and model for the Parent Handbook of their Parish Religious Education program.

Catechist Handbook: Directors/Coordinators should use this template as the basis and model for the Catechist Handbook of their Parish Religious Education program. 

Guidelines for Catechesis

Revised Guidelines for Catechesis / Directrices Catequéticas Grades 1 through 6: the official guide to religious education in the Archdiocese of New York details the religious education content taught at each grade level.

Revised Guidelines for Catechesis / Directrices Catequéticas Grades 7 and 8: the official guide to religious education in the Archdiocese of New York details the religious education content taught at each grade level. Copyright 2021, Archdiocese of New York, Department of Youth Faith Formation. Grades 7 and 8: Download Entire Guide

Catechist Forms

Catechist Application Form: a sample packet for directors and coordinators to give to prospective candidates to the ministry of a catechist.

Catechist Certification Applications: upon completion of the requirements, directors and coordinators submit this form so that their catechists are awarded certification.

Catechist Job Description: ministry responsibilities for the catechist.

Observation/Evaluation of Parish Catechist’s Lesson: a form to help directors and coordinators as they observe and evaluate their catechists.


Formation as Part of our Journey!

ArchNYLAB delivers learning in an exciting and easy-to-use way. ArchNYLAB keeps records of formation courses taken, tracks learning progress, and makes registering for your formation opportunities easy. Our users find it engaging and user friendly.

But what does ArchNYLAB mean? “ArchNY” stands for Archdiocese of New York, while “LAB” stands for Learning, Accompanying, Believing. The mission of our work is to accompany you and those in your ministry in ever deepening our faith and professional skills.

Consider ArchNYLAB a new hub for formation and continuing education for those involved in youth faith formation.  Whether a course is face-to-face, on Zoom, online, or a mix, ArchNYLAB is the place to go.

You’ll want to create a free account and login through the link below. Feel free to explore all the features and then, please share this news with those involved in your ministry!

To access our ArchNYLAB portal, visit

¡La Formación como Parte de tu Jornada!

ArchNYLAB provee aprendizaje en una manera atractiva y simple de usar. ArchNYLAB mantiene archivos de los cursos de formación que ha completado, nota el progreso de sus cursos, y les da acceso a nuestras oportunidades de formación. Nuestros usuarios lo encuentran interesante y fácil de usar.  

¿Qué significa ArchNYLAB? “ArchNY” significa “Arquidiócesis de Nueva York; y “LAB” significa (Learning), Aprender (Accompanying), Acompañar (Believing) Creér. La misión de nuestro trabajo es acompañarlos a ustedes y a aquellos en su ministerio a según profundizan más su fe y sus habilidades profesionales.

Considere ArchNYLAB un nuevo centro de formación para aquellos que están involucrados con la formación de jóvenes en la fe. Los cursos pueden ser en persona, por Zoom, en línea, o una combinación de todo. ArchNYLAB es la plataforma ideal para su formación.

Para iniciar, necesitas crear una cuenta gratuita y entrar a la plataforma a través del siguiente enlace:

¡Después, comparta esta noticia con todos en su ministerio!

Handbooks, Guidelines, and Forms

Resources for Pastors
Other Resources

The Joy of Adolescent Catechesis: written to inspire those who are involved in catechetical ministry with adolescents which strives to expand the vision of passing on a vibrant and joyful faith to teenagers. A Vision of the Joy of Adolescent Catechesis: provides a summary of the document from Catechist Magazine.

Models for Parish Religious Education: helping our parishes effectively form young people and their families for discipleship as part of the Catholic church using diverse models of program organization.

Conformity Listing of Catechetical Texts and Series: a download of the most current listing of religious education texts and series that have been found in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church; published by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Lesson Plans to accompany the Guidelines for Catechesis

Parent Handbook: Directors/Coordinators should use this template as the basis and model for the Parent Handbook of their Parish Religious Education program.

Catechist Handbook: Directors/Coordinators should use this template as the basis and model for the Catechist Handbook of their Parish Religious Education program. 

Forms for Faith Formation Leaders
Forms for Catechists

Catechist Application Form
English: Catechist Application Form
En espanól: Solicitude para el Catequista

Observation/Evaluation of Parish Catechist’s Lesson: a form to help directors and coordinators as they observe and evaluate their catechists.

Catechist / Youth Ministry Team Member Recognition

Certificate of Appreciation Application: honoring those catechists who have served for 10, 15, 20  years of youth faith formation ministry in the Archdiocese of New York.

Application for Medal of Honor: this one-time award honors those certified (levels 1 and 2) catechists who have served for 25,  30, 35, 40 or more years of service in the Archdiocese of New York.

Application for Milestone Years of Service Awards: honoring those catechists who have served for 30, 35, 40  years of youth faith formation ministry in the Archdiocese of New York and have already received the Medal of Honor.

Catechist Certification Applications: upon completion of the requirements, directors and coordinators submit this form so that their catechists are awarded certification.

Crisis Management Plan Report

Crisis Management Plan Report: download for printing and to fill out with a pen or typewriter.

Crisis Management Plan Report: MS Word format.

Crisis Management Plan Report: fillable PDF format.

Media Authorization Form

Order form for Supplies: Order Attendance Registers, Family File Cards, Permanent Record Cards, Released Time Cards, Progress Reports and Catechetical Personnel Application.


Progress Reports: printable report for use in the religious education program.

Attendance Register: best if printed on 11″ x 17″ paper.

Child Information Record: Registration Form in English and in Spanish for use when registering children into the Parish Religious Education program. In MS Word format, so the Director/Coordinator can make the changes necessary for the individual parish program, always with the permission of the Pastor.

Family File (The Pink Card): prints on 5″x8″ file cards; they will be off-center on 8.5″x11″ paper.

Permanent Record Cards (The Yellow Card):  prints on 5″x8″ file cards; they will be off-center on 8.5″x11″ paper.
