Thank you for your interest in religious orders! We are honored to help you learn more about how to become a religious sister or brother in the Archdiocese of New York. We have provided a few links here, but generally you can find out more about any order’s process by searching online for the name of the order that interests you.
Joining a Religious Order as a Woman
Becoming a sister (aka a nun) is similar to becoming a religious order priest in the sense that applications are are not sent to your Diocese. The process of becoming a sister depends on the order (e.g., Sisters of Life, Dominicans, Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur) you wish to join. If you do not have a specific order in mind, you can refer to the Vision Vocation Network for more information.
How can I find the order that’s right for me?
Check out the Vision Vocation Network. Orders have different focuses based on the charisms (particular gift given by the Holy Spirit) of their founders. The site provides a matching tool, accessible here, that can help guide you to the orders that might be right for you.

Joining a Religious Order as a Man
Becoming a brother (or friar) (e.g., Edmund Rice Christian Brothers, Dominicans (Order of Preachers), Marist Brothers) is different from that of becoming a diocesan priest. Just like becoming a sister, applications are made to the religious order. If you do not have a specific order in mind, you can refer to the Vision Vocation Network for more information.
How can I find the order that’s right for me?
Check out the Vision Vocation Network. Orders have different focuses based on the charisms (particular gift given by the Holy Spirit) of their founders. The site provides a matching tool, accessible here, that can help guide you to the orders that might be right for you.