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Office of the Cardinal

Archdiocese Council of Women Religious

ACWR Membership Suggestions for Cardinal  Dolan

October 14, 2020 Meeting

Many sisters in the Archdiocese are engaged in a wide variety of social justice issues and are the best resource. They include Sisters:

  • Teresa Barton, CND, Principal of Villa Maria Academy, [email protected] who participates in the Billion Oyster Project and International Peace Day
  • Kathleen Deignan, CND, [email protected]. The Sister Kathleen Deignan, CND Institute for Earth and Spirit which includes the Thomas Berry Forum for Ecological Dialogue
  • Nancy Downing, CND [email protected] Executive Director of Covenant House NY
  • Patricia Flattery, CNY p[email protected] representative at UNANIMA and Religious at the UN
  • Eileen Good, CBD [email protected] LifeWay Network for Trafficked Women
  • Anne Seely, CND [email protected] Appalachian Habitat for Humanity

The Presentation Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary, New Windsor, NY are committed to: Issues of Climate Change/ Care of the Earth/ Sustainability and suggest these resources

Issues of Immigration/ Human Trafficking/ Respect Life and suggest these resources

Quotes from Good Shepherd Sisters Constitution on Mission which defines them as an International, apostolic religious institute of pontifical right.

“We announce the message of reconciliation through a ministry of charity and evangelization directed towards persons wounded by sin and its consequences. Our special orientation is to girls and women whose condition in life cries out for the healing and salvation which Jesus alone can bring. We are deeply committed to their human and spiritual healing and to their integral development. since the well-being of a person is intimately linked to that of the family, we strive to serve them in the context of the family and the society in which they live…….”

Main resources for further information on Justice Issues:

  • Good Shepherd International Justice and Peace OFfice (GSUP)
  • Sr. Winifred Doherty, GRS [email protected] United Nations Main NGO Representation to UN
  • Suggested reading: This book relates to conscience formation and social justice
  • Reimagining the Seven Deadly Sins (Reshaping Our Hearts in a Complex World) by James Philipps – Twenty-third Publications, 2020