The USCCB has recently announced its publication of Los santos del Misal Romano (“The Saints of the Roman Missal”). This resource contains short biographical sketches of saints which are included in the Misal Romano approved for Mexico. The Mexican Misal was commonly used in the United States prior to the 2018 publication of the US edition of the Misal Romano, Tercera Edición. Over the years, many Spanish-speaking priests found these brief descriptions of the lives of the saints helpful when preparing homilies. These same notes, however, were never incorporated into the English Roman Missal. In an effort to keep the Roman Missal and the Misal Romano similar in layout for the sake of priests who celebrate Mass in both English and Spanish, it was decided not to include the sketches in the Misal for the US.
Keeping in mind the popularity and usefulness of these short presentations on the saints, the USCCB has chosen to publish them together in one volume. While this book is primarily designed to serve as a convenient reference tool for priests, it contains information that will be of interest to anyone who wishes to know more about the saints in the liturgical calendar. Notably, it includes frequent references to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, indicating those times when saints in the calendar are cited in the Catechism and pointing out the ways in which they serve as models of faith. The book is available exclusively in Spanish and is priced at $14.95. It may be ordered directly from the USCCB Store.