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VIRTUS-Protecting God’s Children™

All VIRTUS training is conducted online. To register for the online class, please click here.

The “VIRTUS: Protecting God’s Children” training class is required for the following personnel:

  • clergy (priests or deacons)
  • school administrative and educational staff (principals, assistant principals, deans, assistant deans, teachers, teachers’ aides, or guidance counselors, but not business, clerical or custodial staff)
  • directors and coordinators of religious education (whether paid or volunteer)
  • social workers
  • counselors
  • paid youth ministers.

All other personnel (non-instructional staff at schools, and all volunteers) should instead go to this page to register for the online “Safer Spaces” video.

Important note: This training is offered only for those who work or are employed by the Archdiocese of New York.  Those who are working or volunteering for other dioceses should contact the Safe Environment Office of their own diocese.  For example, training programs for the Brooklyn Diocese (Brooklyn and Queens) can be found here.

Please do not register for a VIRTUS training class unless you have already submitted a background check form to the institution or program with which you will be working.
