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Policies and Forms

Archival Policies

The Archives of the Archdiocese of New York is open to all qualified persons subject to the following regulations.

Access Policy
  • The Archives of the Archdiocese of New York is open to all qualified researchers who are interested in learning more about the history of Catholicism in New York City and State.   The guiding principal is equal access for anyone with legitimate interest in the repository’s holdings.
  • Prospective users of the Archives are required to complete an application which clearly outlines the subject and objective of their research as well as their qualifications. The application can be found here.
  • Please contact Archives staff for an appointment before visiting the Archives.
  • Undergraduate students are not admitted into the Archives.
  • Material may not be removed from the Archives without permission.
  • Access and use of select collections or series within collections may be restricted.  As a general policy, records are closed for a period of 50 years after creation. Materials that are exceptionally fragile or are confidential in nature are not available to the public.
  • Questions on access policies for individual collections or series may be directed to the Archivist of the Archdiocese of New York.


Reference Room Policy
  • Researchers must bring only those materials needed for research to the document research area. All coats, bags, briefcases, and other personal articles must be left in space provided. Archives staff reserves the right to inspect all research materials, briefcases, bags, and all other personal articles before a researcher leaves the research room.
  • Smoking, eating, and drinking are forbidden in the research room.
  • All notes must be taken in pencil, computer, or tape recorder. NO INK IS PERMITTED.
  • Use of cameras is only permitted by permission of the Archivist.  Flash photography is never permitted.
  • Photocopies are available from Archives staff for a fee of $0.10 per page.  Digital scans can also be requested from Archives staff, to be placed on a user-proved zip drive or CD, for a fee of $0.10 per page/item.
  • Archival material is fragile. Do not write upon, lean upon, mark, or otherwise mishandle material. Any damage to material should be reported to staff immediately.
  • Please preserve the existing order of material. If any material is discovered to be out of order, please notify the staff. Do not rearrange material.
Reproduction and Publication Policy

The Archives of the Archdiocese of New York recognizes its responsibility to facilitate access to its collections by permitting the reproduction, reprinting, or publishing of archival material. However, the physical condition of material or other restrictions may prohibit or limit reproduction capability. The Archivist shall decide when and to what degree these restrictions apply.  To request permission, please complete the Permission to Publish form.

  • Reproductions are for the researcher’s personal use. They must not be reduplicated or transferred to another person or institution. Researchers who wish to photocopy materials should make a request to the Archives staff.
  • Permission to use material does not include the right to publish these materials.  Written permission must be obtained from the Archdiocesan Archivist before material is published, reprinted, or duplicated in any way.
  • A one-time usage fee will be charged to anyone who wishes to reproduce an item for publication.  A one-time usage fee of $40.00 per item will be charged.
  • Permission granted by the Archives is for one time use only.  Reuse is not permitted without authorization by the Archives of the Archdiocese of New York.
  • The Archdiocese of New York does not claim to control the copyright for all material in its collection.  The publishing party assumes responsibility for determining copyright and for all infringements of copyright.
  • In authorizing publication of material, the Archive does not surrender its own right to publish or to grant others permission to do so.
Citation Policy
  • Proper acknowledgement or credit must be given to the Archdiocesan Archives for all material used. Published citations should take the following form: Identification of item, date (if known); Collection title, collection number; box number, folder number.  Archives of the Archdiocese of New York, St. Joseph’s Seminary, Dunwoodie.
  • The Archives would appreciate receiving copies of any research results.
School Record Access Policies

Only the following authorized recipients of student records are able to request a transcript:

  • The student named in the record (if over age 18 or an emancipated minor);
    1. A parent or legal guardian of the student (if the student is under age 18);
    2. Officials of Archdiocese of New York schools;
    3. Other parties as designated in writing by persons (1) through (3) above;
    4. Other parties as designated by court order, subpoena, summons, or statute.
  • In order to request a transcript, the person should fill out the appropriate Record Request Form and return it to the Archives with identification and the fee.  All requests must be sent via mailNo in-person or faxed requests will be accepted.
  • Transcripts will be sent through the mail.  They cannot be emailed or faxed.
  • No information can be given out over the phone.
  • Please know that it takes Archives staff up to 2 weeks to process the request after it has been received in the mail.  All efforts will be made to mail out the transcript as soon as possible, but please allow time for turn-around, given your location and the postal system.
  • Official transcripts can only be sent to: educational institutions, employers, and authorized investigative agencies.  Official transcripts are stamped with a seal, and are provided in a sealed envelope. They are accompanied with a letter of authenticity.
  • Only Unofficial transcripts of their own transcript can be provided to (former) students and / or guardians.  Unofficial transcripts are not stamped with a seal. They are marked “Issued to Student.”
Historical School Records Access Policy
  • When available, Student Census, Attendance Books, Roll books, and Attendance Registers created before 1930 are available for historical research. Finding Guides for collections available for research may be found in our collections list.
  • Transcripts and school records that contain grades or test scores are restricted to the student of record. Only the student of record and the school district of origin may request these records.
  • In most cases, research is allowed in student records if the record was created before 1920. To request historical access to student records, contact the Archives.