Required Announcement on Child Protection
Office of the Chancery
Archdiocese of New York
1011 First Avenue, New York, NY 10022
TO: All Pastors and Parish Administrators
FROM: Monsignor Joseph P. LaMorte
DATE: October 1, 2019
SUBJECT: Required Announcement on Child Protection
The Archdiocese of New York is committed to doing all that it can to protect children and young people from sexual abuse. As part of that effort, we periodically reach out to the Catholic community to advise them whom they may contact and what steps they can take if they have suffered abuse by someone representing the Catholic Church.
Attached please find an announcement to be included in your parish bulletin. The wording of this announcement was approved by the Priest’s Council. If your parish uses another language, i.e. Chinese, French, German, Italian, etc., I ask that you have it correctly translated for your parish. Please send a copy of your bulletin with these translations to Eileen Mulcahy.
Please repeat this announcement three times yearly: June/July (beginning of summer programs); September (beginning of school year); after Christmas, January/February (beginning of New Year’s activities).