March for Life Bus Pilgrimage
January 24 @ 5:00 am - 10:00 pm
$60Join the Respect Life Office and the Sisters of Life in advocating for the sacred dignity of every human person through our annual pilgrimage to the national March for Life in Washington, DC. You are welcome to join other pilgrims from the Archdiocese of New York in prayer and fellowship, offering our presence in solidarity with the most vulnerable. Through prayerful, public witness at our nation’s capital, we seek to testify to the goodness and beauty of life.
The bus will depart at 5:00 AM from Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish | 457 West 51st Street (between 9th and 10th Avenues) and return between 9:00PM and 10:00PM. We will arrive in time for the NY Pilgrim Mass at St. Patrick’s Church (619 10th Street NW, Washington DC), and there will be the option to attend the March for Life Rally on the National Mall. Pizza dinner and snacks included.
Register online! For more information, or if you prefer to pay by cash or check, contact Sr. Elena Marie [email protected] 646-476-0931.