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Historical Research


001: Bishop John DuBois Papers
002: Archbishop John Hughes Papers
003: John Cardinal McCloskey Collection
004: Archbishop Michael Corrigan Collection
004.002: Archbishop Corrigan Clipping Collection
005: John Cardinal Farley Collection
006: Patrick Cardinal Hayes Collection
006.001: Cardinal Hayes Daily Planners
006.002: Cardinal Hayes Scrapbooks
007: Francis Cardinal Spellman Collection
007.001: Then Henry Family Collection
007.002: Cardinal Spellman Diaries & Planners
011: Archdiocesan Parishes
         011.001: Parish History Files
011.002: Anniversary Journals & Publications
012: Cathedrals
012.001: Basilica of St. Patrick’s Old Cathedral
013: Seminaries
013.003: St. Joseph’s Seminary, Dunwoodie
013.004: Cathedral College Seminary
014: Archdiocesan Schools
015: Catholic Charities Collection
015.001: Holy Name Centre
         015.002: St. Rose’s Settlement Home
016: Prints & Photographs
017: Papal Visits
017.001: 1965 Pope Paul VI
017.002: 1979 Pope John Paul II Visit
017.003: 1995 Pope John Paul II Visit
017.004: 2008 Pope Benedict Visit
         017.005: 2015 Pope Francis Visit
019.001: Newspapers & Journals
020: Religious Orders
020.001: Collection of the Sisters of Our Lady of the Christian Doctrine
         020.002: Collection of the Franciscan Sisters of Peace
         020.003: Sisters of Divine Compassion Collection
021: Chancery Office
021.001: Parish Status Animarum
021.002: Parish Financial Reports
         021.007: Catholic Church in Cuba
022: Archdiocesan Priests
022.001: Richard Burtsell Papers
         022.002: John M. Brew Papers
         022.003: Austin Vaughan Papers
022.004: Bishop Bonaventure Broderick Collection
023: Archdiocesan Groups, Organizations, & Institutions
024: Pamphlets & Publications
025: Events
025.001: Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner
025.002: 1964/5 World’s Fair
027: Oral History Collection

Digital Collections

Oral History Collections

