Building on the Liturgy Office’s popular online training course for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, the Liturgy Office is pleased to announce that online training and certification for lectors is now available as well at The program is convenient and interactive and includes an instructional video, a short quiz, and opportunities for reflection and questions. This free course is offered in both English and Spanish and may be accessed directly from the Liturgy Office webpage. 

This new training program is intended to standardize the material received by lectors throughout the Archdiocese, reduce the need for parishes to schedule their own training sessions, and create a comprehensive listing of active lectors along with the dates of their training. Completion of the training course does not of itself indicate that one is able to exercise this ministry. After finishing the course, the student will receive a certificate of completion via email. The prospective lector should present this certificate to his/her pastor, who may then request a mandate from the local dean for those who are qualified and have been trained to serve in this ministry. In the Archdiocese of New York, the mandate to serve as a lector is given for a term of three years; terms are renewable. 

While archdiocesan parishes are ultimately entrusted with the training of lectors, the use of the new online training and certification program is encouraged, either in place of parish sessions or at least as a supplement to them. Lastly, parishes are reminded that archdiocesan guidelines for lectors are also available in English and Spanish at the Liturgy Office website.