“It is my hope that, when we have finally moved forward with a vaccine and all of these dark times are behind us, the community will recognize how blessed we are to be here journeying together, building our faith communities in the light of things to come.”
– Wanda Vasquez | Director, Office of Hispanic Ministry
“We are planning a parish picnic/barbecue with a Covid mask wall – where we can sign and hang up our masks and hope and pray we’ll never have to use them again!”
– Fr. Edward Bader | Pastor, St. Peter’s, Liberty
“When this virus is finally and truly contained, allowing for church as we know it and knew it to take place, I will leave whichever instrument I’m on, whether it’s the organ or piano, and dance just like David danced before the Lord! … Only I won’t dance out of my clothes! … But God will be praised and exalted!”
– Dr. Br’Von Neal | Music Director, St. Charles Borromeo
“When it is safe to do so, I can’t wait to celebrate Mass where we don’t need to be physically distanced. Whether it’s for worship or simply time with family and friends, I can’t wait to be with others, to laugh and cry as a community again.”
– Fr. John Anderson | Vice President, Mission Integration, ArchCare
“I would love to celebrate by gathering at my local parish for Mass, mask free and hug ready. Receiving the body and blood of Christ and embracing each other at the sign of peace would be amazing. To be able to be in close contact with my faith family would mean everything to me.”
– Giselle Roldan | Administrator | Office of Youth Ministry
“I pray that the effects of the pandemic, as well as the unrest, political turmoil, unemployment, fear, confusion and violence we have known, will be overcome by forces of hope and growth, equality and solidarity, respect and acceptance of all.”
– Sr. Marjorie Robinson, OCD
For prayer suggestions from Sr. Marjorie Robinson, OCD, of the Discalced Carmelites monastery in Beacon – the first in our online series “Prayer Prompts” – click here. Then find yourself a quiet place and have a conversation with God. Thanks for reading Archways!