The USCCB’s Divine Worship Secretariat has announced the approval of several ritual editions of a “Book of the Chair,” which is entitled Excerpts from the Roman Missal. This ritual book contains only those prayer texts which are used at Mass by the celebrant when he is at the presidential chair. Those portions of a typical Mass formulary which will be listed in Excerpts from the Roman Missal are the Entrance Antiphon, the Collect, and the Prayer after Communion. The publication information is as follows:
- Catholic Book Publishing Company ( Deluxe genuine leather, 81⁄2” × 11”, $115; Clothbound, 81⁄2” × 11”, $92; Chapel size clothbound, 6” × 9”, $83
- Liturgical Press ( Hardcover, 81⁄2” × 11”, $99.95
- World Library Publications ( Hardcover, 81⁄2” × 11”, $89.95
- Magnificat ( Hardcover, 9” × 111⁄2”, $79