After the summer, as we begin to gather again for youth faith formation in classrooms and youth group settings, we certainly want to ask God’s grace upon our “new year.” We need God’s blessing as we plan. for the coming year.
However, we may overlook the tools that we use in our ministry. I am especially thinking about the devices we use — desktops, laptops, cellphones — to interact with our colleagues, youth ministers, catechists, directors of religious education, and youth ministry team members.
The Church encourages us to use blessings “of persons, meals, objects, and places” as a sacramental (you can read about it in the Catechism of the Catholic Church #1667 -1673). So why not take a few moments to bless your devices? Let’s ask God to help us make good use of them and to bless all those with whom we will communicate.
Use this sample prayer if you like. Be careful! The use of holy water may not be suitable for your device! Oh, and don’t forget to include the telephone on your desk.
Jim Connell
Digital Learning and Technology Specialist
Image by José Augusto Camargo from Pixabay