The Annual Archdiocesan Black History Month Mass & Observance of the National Day of Prayer for the African American & African Family will be live streamed via St. Patrick’s Cathedral (NYC) on Sunday, February 7th at 1:00pm. All are welcome to join virtually!
This year we’ll celebrate the life and service of others, who we have lost since our last “Gathering” in February, 2020 – “We Remember, We Celebrate, We Believe.” We will acknowledge ALL the special service of our Healthcare Workers, First Responders and Essential Workers (including teachers and pastoral workers).
As we recognize the special service of our essential workers, we will also remember those that we lost in 2020 in a special virtual memorial service, which will be available for viewing on Feb. 7th, online following the Mass and anytime thereafter. To list a name in memoriam, please complete the form here: http://archny.org/black-history-month-mass-memorial-2021/
Additional Events

Learn more about each event: http://archny.org/black-history-month-2021-events/
Black Ministry: Pierre Toussaint Scholarship Fund
The Pierre Toussaint Scholarship Fund (PTSF) was established in 1983 and is administered by the Archdiocese of New York, Office of Black Ministry. PTSF has provided scholarships to graduating high school seniors of diverse backgrounds from public, private and parochial schools throughout the Archdiocese of New York, to assist them with the educational fees and expenses associated with their college studies.
Students selected into the PTSF are chosen based on their strong academic record, their active participation with their parish and school communities, and their demonstration of good character and sound leadership ability. PTSF is a program of mentorship & advisement to support our college student-leaders spiritually, professionally and personally.
Completed applications must be received in by March 5, 2021.
To learn more or apply: http://archny.org/application/