Revised Rite of Confirmation Published
The USCCB’s Secretariat of Divine Worship has announced the publication of the revised Order of Confirmation/Ritual para la Confirmación. This ritual book offers an updated English translation of the 1971 Ordo confirmationis in accordance with the principles set forth in Liturgiam authenticam. While this revised ritual book may be used immediately, its use becomes required in the United States as of Pentecost (May 15) this year. The bilingual edition is published exclusively by USCCB Communications and may be ordered for $49.95 at the USCCB’s website.
Information regarding the new translation may be downloaded directly from the Liturgy Office website, which hosts lecture notes from a recent seminar on the revised text which took place at Saint Joseph’s Seminary. This presentation will be repeated on March 18 at Saint John Nepomucene Church in Manhattan.