The USCCB’s Divine Worship Secretariat has announced that the third edition of the Misal Romano for use in the (arch)dioceses of the United States has received recognitio from the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. This book has been long awaited by many pastors and others in the Archdiocese who serve Spanish-speaking congregations. The revised Misal is currently being reviewed for grammar and punctuation consistencies, and it is anticipated that publication and implementation dates will be announced in the forthcoming months. The Liturgy Office plans to sponsor a workshop on the revised Misal at the time of its publication.
As indicated in the December 2016 edition of the Liturgy Update, the Secretariat for Divine Worship has also recently given notice of the forthcoming publication of the L ectionary for M ass S upplement. The following editions of the Supplement will become available on April 1, 2017, and may be used as of this same date:
• Catholic Book Publishing Company Hardcover, 8 1⁄2” × 11”, $21.95
• Liturgical Press
Classic edition: hardcover, 8 1⁄2” × 11”, $39.95 Chapel edition: hardcover, 7” × 9”, $34.95
• Liturgy Training Publications Softcover, 9 3⁄4” × 12”, $29.95
All of the above editions may be ordered through ICS at a discounted price. Ordering information and additional details may be found on the ICS website.