Called & Gifted™ for Life Formation Day
March 29 @ 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Called & Gifted™ for Life Formation Day
God has called and gifted you for mission. Come, discover your charisms and let the Holy Spirit’s gifts be activated in your life!
At your baptism, you received the Holy Spirit and gifts that enable you to bring God’s love, truth, beauty, mercy, healing, and provision to others. This Formation Day will introduce you to the charisms and empower you to discover and activate your God-given gifts on behalf of life.
As you learn about and identify your gifts, you will have the opportunity to connect them with activities, people, and organizations involved in building a culture of life. Participants will receive the Called & Gifted™ Complete Resource Manual and online access to the video course and spiritual gifts inventory.
Sponsored by the Respect Life Office, the Sisters of Life, and the Catherine of Siena Institute.