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Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday 2023

Today is Giving Tuesday! Today, people around the world contribute to the charities that mean the most to them. Make a gift to one of the ministries of the Archdiocese of New York to help people in need.

Cardinal’s Annual Stewardship Appeal supports financially vulnerable parishes, charitable outreach, and evangelization throughout the archdiocese.

Inner-City Scholarship Fund gives students in need the chance to receive a quality, values-based Catholic school education, which helps their families break the cycle of poverty.

Capital Improvements Committee supports repairs and improvements to school buildings and facilities, helping them provide an excellent learning environment for their students.

St. Joseph’s Seminary educates and forms future priests of the Archdiocese of New York, as well as other dioceses.

St. John Vianney Clergy Residence provides a comfortable and safe home to retired priests, who have spent their lives serving the people of the archdiocese.

Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation provides financial support to organizations that serve New York’s most vulnerable children and communities.

Please click on the links below to view these organizations’ donation pages.
