Long-anticipated changes to the marriage rite will be implemented in the United States this year.  These changes reflect the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments’ approval of the U.S. Bishops’ new English translation of the revised Ordo celebrandi Matrimonium (1991).  The newly revised Order of Celebrating Matrimony may be used for liturgical celebrations as of September 8, 2016, and will be mandatory beginning December 30, 2016.

Several liturgical publishers are offering this book for sale.  The following editions may be ordered through ICS at a discounted price:

• Liturgical Press – Two hardcover editions: English ($24.50) and bilingual ($31.50)

• Catholic Book Publishing – Two editions: clothbound ($27.95) and deluxe bonded leather ($30.25)

• USCCB Publishing – Red bonded leather hard cover ($28.75)

• Magnificat Publishing – Red semi-leather with a clear pocket inside the front cover for notes/planning forms ($39.95)

Ordering information and additional details may be found at the ICS website.

A series of presentations outlining the new features in this revised rite were given by Fr. Matthew Ernest, Director of the Liturgy Office, to clergy, musicians, and others involved in marriage preparation in June of this year.  On October 15, the Order of Celebrating Matrimony will be presented to permanent deacons of the Archdiocese at their annual day of ongoing formation at Maryknoll Seminary.  Lecture notes for these talks may be downloaded from the Liturgy Office website.