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Gifts of Real Estate

Almost any type of real estate may be donated:

  • Undeveloped land
  • Farms
  • Commercial buildings
  • Vacation homes
  • Your residence

Outright Gift

How Gifts of Real Estate Work

How It Works

  1. Transfer title of property to the Archdiocese
  2. Receive income-tax deduction for fair-market value of property
  3. The Archdiocese may use or sell the property


  • Income-tax deduction for fair-market value of property based on qualified appraisal
  • Avoid capital-gain tax on appreciation in value of the real estate
  • Relieved of details of selling property
  • Significant gift to the Archdiocese

Gift of Personal Residence or Farm with Retained Life Estate

How Gifts or Retained Real Estate Work

How It Works

  1. Transfer title to personal residence or farm to the Archdiocese
  2. No change in your lifestyle—you (and spouse) occupy and enjoy residence or farm for life
  3. The Archdiocese keeps or sells property after your death(s)


  • No out-of-pocket cost for substantial gift to the Archdiocese
  • Federal income-tax deduction for remainder value of your residence or farm
  • You (and spouse) can occupy residence for life

Contact Us

Planned Giving Office
[email protected]
 Archdiocese of New York
1011 First Avenue
14th floor
New York, NY 10022

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