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Director/ Coordinator of Religious Education Formation

Basic Leadership Training Course

Basic Leadership Training Course for Faith Formation Leaders

The Basic Leadership Training Program program has been designed for new D/CRE or Youth Ministry Coordinator, to address certain ministerial/administrative expectations that are key to their success during their first year (and beyond) in their new role. The goal is to provide the foundational tools and accompaniment in the journey as a leader during this period of growth.

Information and Registration for 2022-2023.

Advanced Catechetical Leadership

The Advanced Catechetical Leadership is designed for coordinators who are taking any of the courses in the Advanced Leadership Formation.  Advanced Catechetical Leadership is an academic program for coordinators of Religious Education.  It consists of 9 courses in theology, catechesis, and catechetical administration.

All courses are given in 8 sessions of 3 hours each. Classes are held once a week. Students should expect several hours of homework a week.


  • Completion of Catechist Formation Level 1 and 2
  • Completion of Basic Leadership Training Course

Program will be relaunched Fall 2024

Certification as a Director or Coordinator of Religious Education

The certified director/coordinator of Religious Education is a significant member of the Archdiocesan Catechetical Leadership Community — those people who are recognized as possessing the competencies and skills identified in the Archdiocesan Handbook for Parish Religious Education Directors and Coordinators and whose commitment to the Catechetical Ministry reaches beyond the parish to the wider Archdiocesan Church.

Steps to Certification for Coordinators:

Steps to Certification for Directors:

  • Masters in Religious Education, Religious Studies, Theology, or related field or Masters in any area plus 24 graduate credits in these specified fields
  • Basic Leadership Training Course
  • Supervision Process
Renewal of Certification

Certification must be renewed after five years.

Requirements for Renewal of Certification

  • 30 class hours in catechesis or theology over 5 years; attendance at the Youth Faith Formation Forum can provide up to 4 hours a year.
  • Yearly attendance at a minimum of one spiritual renewal opportunity provided either by the Department of Youth Faith Formation or a Regional  Office;  this day/evening or prayer is for the purpose of providing a forum for spiritual sharing among Catechetical Leaders.
  • Regular attendance each year at Regional Meetings; regular means attendance for at least 3/4ths of the meetings.
  • Yearly attendance at a minimum of one professional formation seminar/workshop sponsored by the Department of Youth Faith Formation.  These seminars and workshops can be found listed in Basic Training and in Certification Events.
  • Exercising catechetical leadership beyond the parish for the sake either of a deanery or the Archdiocese, such as serving on a committee, giving classes or workshops in a catechetical field, mentoring at the request of the Department of Youth Faith Formation..
  • Recommendation by the Regional Specialist.
  • Recommendation by the Certification Review Committee.
  • Approval for certification by the Director of Ministry Formation.

N.B.  Developing and administering an excellent parish religious education program is NOT a requirement for Renewal of Certification.  It is the primary responsibility of the Director/Coordinator of Religious Education whether certified or not.

For More Information

Ms. Bertha Peralta-Rodriguez

Director of Ministry Formation
1011 First Avenue
New York, New York 10022
Contact by Email
